
A Square D Calendar & Other News:

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A Square D sponsors three large dances a year:

The Sweetheart Ball in February.

The Anniversary/Presidential Ball in May.

The Jamboree on Labor Day Weekend

2006-2007 Sierra Hillbillies
A Square
D Representative:  Karen Shinn

2004-2005 A Square D Board


Pete & Joan Wellenstein



Vice President:

Hank & Norma Spieker




Bill & Merlyn Jones




Bill & Dorothy Ellingson



Senior Directors

South Bay/Westside

Mary Dunn



Ventura/Santa Barbara

Bill & Marge Leese




District Directors


Susan Patton



South Bay/Westside:

Harvey  Judith Cowan



Santa Barbara

Susan Tresner



A Bit of Square Dance History

In 1948, the ASSOCIATED SQUARE DANCERS, also known as A Square D, was organized. In 1950, the Associated Square Dancers was incorporated as a non-profit organization. Beginning with 7 clubs and 7 officers, it grew to 300+ clubs in the 60’s.

During this nearly 53 years of existence, A Square D has supported all National Square Dance Conventions beginning with the first one in 1952 in Riverside, CA. A Square D was the sponsor of the 1988 37th National Square Dance Convention, as well as the June 27-30, 2001, 50th National Square Dance Convention in Anaheim. A Square D also has sponsored the 1960 & 1966 California State Square Dance Conventions.

A Square D was instrumental in forming the California Square Dance Council in 1950. In 1967, A Square D resigned from the council, because the council wanted to limit the number of clubs in our association.

In 1956, A Square D was able to obtain low-cost primary liability and secondary medical insurance for its members. Currently that cost is $3.65 per member per year.

In 1973, A Square D secured recognition by the IRS as Tax Exempt. Then, in 1977, it succeeded in getting tax exempt status for all the clubs in the Association. If a club’s gross income is normally less than $25,000 for the year, they do not have to file an income tax return with either the IRS or the CA Franchise Tax Board.

There are monthly board meetings and monthly district meetings. The districts are named Orange, South Bay/Westside, Valley, and Ventura/Santa Barbara. Club delegates meet to discuss relevant issues. The matters discussed are the promotion of square and round dancing, an interchange of ideas, encouraging friendliness among square and round dancers, and disseminating information to all the clubs. Officers for the A Square D board may only serve for one year in that office. This is to ensure fresh ideas brought forward for consideration.

Each club belonging to A Square D pays dues of $15 per year. A Square D sponsors 3 dances per year to promote square and round dancing, help clubs if they request it, provide communication between clubs, and help defray expenses. A Square D benefits all square and round dancers.




A Square D provides the club, upon request, with representatives who are experienced in matters dealing with government entities, such as IRS and Franchise Tax Board, the nonprofit status, hall rentals, caller fees and other club related matters.

A Square D provides the club the opportunity to be included under the Association’s “umbrella” as a nonprofit affiliate.
Schools and civic facilities may require nonprofit status as a prerequisite to renting their meeting hall.
State and Federal income taxes thus usually avoided.

A Square D originates and provides insurance protection for all club members while dancing at any recognized Association dance.
Medical insurance covers personal injury while property and liability insurance is offered to cover the club’s responsibilities.
Class members and guests are covered while dancing at your club.  It is imperative that everyone at your dance is signed in –
dancers and also those guests who may be “just watching”.  A Square D insurance is considered as a secondary insurance.

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updated 05/06/07